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Quiet Leadership: How Introverts Can Thrive in Leadership Roles

This session was originally scheduled as a part of Eagle Summit
Session Title: Quiet Leadership: How Introverts Can Thrive in Leadership Roles
Date, Time, & Location: Friday, April 11 at 9:00 AM in PMC-103B or Teams
Presenter: Dr. Tracy McGrady, Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Session Description: The stereotype that leadership is only for extroverts often overlooks the unique strengths that introverts bring to leadership roles. This session will explore the concept of “Quiet Leadership,” emphasizing how introverted leaders can excel through their natural tendencies toward reflection, listening, empathy, and deep understanding.
RSVP Instructions: Please RSVP below. Once your RSVP has been received, the Professional Development Institute will forward you a calendar invite with meeting details.
Contact Information: If you have any questions about or need accommodations to attend this session, please contact the Professional Development Institute at pd@otc.edu or 417-447-4800