Welcome to the OTC Employee Development calendar where current employees can browse and register for available training opportunities. Events are added throughout the semester so please check back often.

Virtual Panel: Enhancing the Student Experience

Virtual Only

Register on The Chronicle of Higher Education website (Click Here)!   Upcoming: Tuesday, September 21 at 2 p.m., ET (1 pm Central) After more than a year spent largely in…

Various Finance Forms and their Functions

Virtual Only

New to OTC or need a refresher? Learn the various finance forms and how they function at OTC Join via Teams   https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aa91f7acd80934032a94144f65159a78b%40thread.tacv2/1630701131108?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22deb7ba76-72fc-4c07-833f-1628b5e92168%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22b820746c-d4cc-4f70-abbb-8e11ac40503f%22%7d      


Event Series First Friday ARTS

First Friday ARTS

Virtual Only

Are you a faculty or staff member with assigned advisees? Do you feel a bit nervous each time you receive an advising request? Attend a one-on-one session designed to build…

Faculty First Friday 10/1/21

Virtual Only

Grab your lunch (or favorite beverage) and connect with your peers in an informal space to share how your semester is going, tales from the classroom, and all things teaching…

Book Club: The Spark of Learning

Virtual Only

Get your book, register to participate, and learn more at https://faculty.otc.edu/center/bookclub/ Fall 2021 Book Club Welcome to the Fall 2021 book club! This will be an active participation discussion community,…

Essential Conversations- Coping in Difficult Times -OTC Health & Wellness

Essential Conversations: A means to coping in difficult times
Meaningful conversations help humans connect and cope during difficult times. At the same time, conversations can induce greater levels of stress and diminish one’s ability to cope. Dr. Christine Arnzen will present on elements of conversations that will build resilience and connection during this unprecedented time of COVID.

Advisory Resource Training Sessions (ARTS)

Are you a faculty or staff member with assigned advisees? Do you feel a bit nervous each time you receive an advising request? Attend a one-on-one session designed to build your confidence as an advisor! Your session will be customized to whatever advising needs you have. This can include, but is not limited to: navigating the degree audit, assisting with course planning, advising students on academic probation, making appropriate and timely referrals, and assisting with transfer planning.