Welcome to the OTC Employee Development calendar where current employees can browse and register for available training opportunities. Events are added throughout the semester so please check back often.

Event Series Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid

Virtual Only

View this webinar to: Learn about mental health conditions, types of crises and risk factors Identify the components of a Mental Health First Aid plan Understand the different types of mental health treatments and…

Free Webinar: How to Engage the Unmotivated Learner

Hosted by NISOD This webinar provides individuals with a wide range of strategies and techniques to help promote student engagement in the classroom and online. Strategies include ideas for relationship-building,…

Event Series Faculty Fridays

Faculty Fridays

Grab your lunch or favorite beverage and connect with your peers in an informal space to share tales from the classroom and all things teaching and learning. Sept 16 -…

Event Series Assessment Open House

Assessment Open House

Join Academic Support for an Assessment Open House session. These open-lab-style sessions provide support around the assessment of student learning at OTC. Topics include writing student learning outcomes at the…

Canvas Basics

Center for Academic Innovation Information Commons 104

This session is for faculty who are new to Canvas or for those who would like a refresher on basic Canvas functions. Participants will learn how to add a course…

Advanced Canvas

Center for Academic Innovation Information Commons 104

This session will benefit faculty who are proficient with Canvas gain more advanced skills to apply to their teaching practice. Features covered include Scheduler, quiz groups, group assignments, peer review…