P Card Overview
Virtual OnlyNew to OTC or want a P Card refresher? Look no further than this training with Finance! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4791895557?pwd=b0xVQzRKcXRPZVQyckJiOHU0MWhndz09
New to OTC or want a P Card refresher? Look no further than this training with Finance! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4791895557?pwd=b0xVQzRKcXRPZVQyckJiOHU0MWhndz09
Register today at https://www.instructure.com/events/instructurecon21/agenda?utm_medium=EM&utm_source=INST! What to Expect From the Event Professional learning for every level of edtech user and every kind of educator, from kindergarten teacher to university CTO. Some…
Register for this FREE virtual event here! http://mhfamissouri.org/events/ Brought to you by the Missouri Department of Mental Health. Mental Health First Aid® for Adults teaches people how to recognize…
This session is part of our requirement to meet federally mandated Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) guidelines. By providing bystander intervention training to our faculty, staff and students, we contribute…
Get your book, register to participate, and learn more at https://faculty.otc.edu/center/bookclub/ Fall 2021 Book Club Welcome to the Fall 2021 book club! This will be an active participation discussion community,…
Register at https://www.nisod.org/forms/webinar-series/register.php?id=441&code=EG88U5Rja40f5AFcSP4c4Nf38r61t6nO912dASt6 ! This session unpacks the nature and effectiveness of academic tools used by educators (e.g., lateness, exams, and textbooks) and provides participants with an understanding of culturally…
Page Up Training - Hiring committees, interviews, offers and onboarding at the college. Learn more or get refreshed on these college processes with Human Resources.
New to OTC or want a refresher on Google Docs? Want to learn more about Office 365, and cloud based information? Learn more at OTC's I.T. session! No experience required.…
“Resilience is the process of being able to adapt well and bounce back quickly in times of stress. Is resilience a skill or a character strength? Are you a resilient…
Understanding Our Students and Responding to Cultural Differences Facilitated by Daniel Ogunyemi and Kevin Luebbering This presentation will focus on how employees can best serve the mission of OTC…