Welcome to the OTC Employee Development calendar where current employees can browse and register for available training opportunities. Events are added throughout the semester so please check back often.

Teaching Adult Learners

Virtual Only

Virtually, April 28th, 11:30 am  OTC hosts an important adult learner population, but what sets these students apart from others? What can you do to promote adult learner success? What…


Lets Talk! Talk! How was 21/22?

Virtual Only

Join us Friday April 29 for a friendly discussion on how the past academic year has been, lessons learned, and how to gear up for next year. This will be…


Operation Eagle: Title IX

Virtual Only

Presenters: Kevin Luebbering - Title IX Coordinator & College Director of Civil Rights Compliance Rachel Swadley - Project Heal - Victim Services Coordinator Cody Garcia-Pusateri - Assistant Title IX Coordinator…
