Part-Time Employee & Adjunct Instructor Work Hour Restrictions FAQs
Can I teach as an adjunct and also work part-time?
As of July 1, 2013 all OTC employees who are not full-time must be classified as either part-time or adjunct. An employee can no longer be considered both part-time AND adjunct.
What’s the difference between part-time and adjunct?
Part-time employees are restricted to a maximum number of work hours per week. Part-time employees earn a flat hourly rate. Adjunct employees are instructors who teach credit hour classes and are paid by the number of credit hours they teach.
How many hours can I work?
Part-time employees are restricted to a maximum of 19.5 work hours per week. This 19.5 hour total is a combined total between all jobs at OTC.
I’m an instructor. How do I determine how many credit hours I can teach?
Persons who are solely employed as adjunct instructors are restricted to a maximum of teaching nine (9) credit hours per semester (fall or spring) and/or 5 credit hours during the summer term. The maximum teaching load for the annual fiscal year (fall, spring, and summer) is 23 credit hours.
These credit hour limitations also apply to A and B block classes. Each 8-week class falls under the same restrictions as 16-week classes. Adjunct instructors are restricted to 5 credit hours per 8-week block.
How are teaching hours calculated into work hours?
The number of work hours per week is determined by the number of class meeting hours, class preparation, grading and other course-related time. PSRS restricts adjunct instructors to 17 work hours per week.
When teaching, work hours are calculated according to the following 1:2.25 ratio (based on a 50-minute class period):
1 lecture credit hour = 1.874 work hours/week (50 minutes/60 minutes = .833 hours; .833 x 2.25 = 1.874)
9 lecture credit hours = 16.87 work hours per week, the maximum allowable
I teach classes during intercession. How do I determine my hours?
Please contact the Finance department for assistance in determining the credit hours per semester for these classes.
RETIREES (Employees retired from the MO PSRS/PEERS only):
I’m retired but still teach a few hours to supplement my income. How many hours can I work without creating problems with my retirement benefits?
Retirees are allowed to work 550 clock hours per school year without harm to retirement benefits.
Do these same restrictions apply to me?
Retirees are exempt from the single employment classification status because of the limitations on their annual hourly workload. Hour maximums are calculated on the combined total between all work performed at OTC.
How many hours per week can I work part-time?
For part-time employment, the 19.5 hours week maximum limit applies up to the 550 hours/year total.
How are my teaching hours calculated to equal work hours?
For adjunct teaching, credit hours are converted to clock hours at a 1:2.25 ratio–3 credit hours = 5.62 clock hours/week x 16 weeks or 90 clock hours for the semester.
A 9 credit-hour teaching load would equal 270 clock hours x 2 semesters = 540 clock hours. Teaching 12 hours each semester (both fall & spring) will place a retiree in jeopardy of retirement benefits being withheld. Retirees are restricted to teach a maximum of 18 credit hours over the entire academic year.
I normally teach more than 5 classes each semester. Can I still continue to teach classes in addition to my full-time course load?
Yes. You may teach a maximum of 2 overload courses per semester with your supervisor’s permission.
Prior approval must be granted from Finance for any and all exceptions to the above restrictions. On the rare occasion that hours worked exceed 40 in a work week (Sunday-Saturday), the hours must be paid as overtime at 1.5 times the regular hourly pay rate.
The OTC work week is defined as Sunday through Saturday.
The above restrictions have been set for part-time college employment in order to maintain compliance with U.S. Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the Missouri Public School Retirement System and Public Education Employees Retirement System rules. If you have any questions regarding these employment restrictions, please contact the Finance Office at